
Showing posts from 2008

Color Me Red, Autumn - by Matab Brahimi

Color Me Red, Autumn ~ ~ Color me red and tickle my sight Let your leaves shed accents of sunrise light ~ Dance leaves dance and embrace the breeze Boast the seasons prance of the shedding trees ~ O rooted mother let your little ones go Next years another new season, new show ~ Orange burnt , Yellow bold a warning, for the next season of bitter cold and snowflake fest

The Unfinished Poem Called Senioritis - By Matab Brahimi

The Unfinished Poem Called Senioritis - By Matab Brahimi This poem is dedicated to the following: To all of you out there, Who, sometime around December, Something plagued their lives And they're too lazy to remember To those who cringe From the word procrastination And wake up at two p.m. Because sleep is their salvation To all those naggers Who drag their feet and say, "What homework?...oh that, I'll do it some other day..." This is for those who promise To get things done And instead shrug it off Because "it's not fun" This is for those slackers who just heard The paper is due Who see it in their agenda everyday, Yet they had "no clue" For those up all night Staring at a computer screen Typing up that report while gulping down gallons of caffeine This is for you seniors Who hit snooze countless times (uhh...I'm just writing this So it rhymes) This is for... (The author of this poem Is taking a br...

Chalk Art
