Color Me Red, Autumn ~ ~ Color me red and tickle my sight Let your leaves shed accents of sunrise light ~ Dance leaves dance and embrace the breeze Boast the seasons prance of the shedding trees ~ O rooted mother let your little ones go Next years another new season, new show ~ Orange burnt , Yellow bold a warning, for the next season of bitter cold and snowflake fest
A trap, it's set and this I know But still its there, A dressed up foe I do not stare, IT stares at me and shines in light for all to see Beware of red Nature's sign To back away While there's still time But sense of time has disappeared and still it's there just like I feared ~
SNAIL VS EMAiL snail vs. email tortoise vs. hare technology... is just another snare email me, text me, give me a call in my memory it won't install I want a letter the old fashioned kind inscribed on paper, inscribed in mind I want a letter that I can clutch cuz you can't smell texts and feel an email much So write it up WITH A PEN sign it and fold it and THEN : lick it, stamp it give it to the snail and I promise you your letter WILL prevail ^_^